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Title: Babbling Brooks

Date: 1/25/17

Stage of Development: Fry

The exploded fish that was in the tank. Poor Fishy, may he rest in peace. 

Summary:    The fish are swimming to the top two corners, we believed that they are oxygen deprived. We did have to remove one fish that had died. It somehow exploded in the tank. We are not sure how ii exploded but it did. There are about 79-86 trout remaining in the tank. The PH levels are 7.6, ammonia levels are 0ppm, Nitrite levels are 5ppm, Nitrate levels are 5-10ppm.

Title:  Cave Guppies 

Date: 1/30/17

Stage of Development: Fry

The fish are at the fry level of development and will not become fingerlings until they are two inches long. 

Summary:  75% of the fish are swimming against the stream while they are divided into the different areas of the tank as follows: 30-Gravel, 20-Pool, 20-Run, and 10-Riffle. There seems to be a divide in the big fish and the smaller fish. The nitrites were at 2 ppm rather than the optimal .25 ppm. We fixed the nitrite/nitrate issues with a 5 gal. water change. All of the other factors are at normal or optimal level; temperature, ph, fin structure, and water quality all are at generally good levels. 

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