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Title: BLINK

Date: February 22, 2017 

Stage of Development: Fry

Summary:  The temperature of the tank is approximately 52.9 degrees F.  The pH level of the tank is 7.00. The Ammonia level is .15ppm, the nitrites are .07 ppm, and the nitrates are 30 ppm. The tank is pretty clear and the water is not cloudy. The fish still swim in clusters at the top and bottom of the tank and have no abnormalities while swimming. There is approximately 75 fish in the tank.

The picture above shows a brook trout in the stage of a fry

Title: Cave Guppies

Date: 2/24/17

Stage of Development: Fry-(1-2 in) fingerling (3-4in)

The fish in the picture above are congregating together while swimming against the current. 

Summary: The trout swam towards the current mostly. Smaller ones hang out in the pool while the larger ones swim in the top left of the tank. Bigger fish were chasing away the smaller ones when food was dispersed. All fish look healthy according to head biologist Isaac Maclay. All tank requirements for the fish to live adequately were met other than water level, which has been corrected since. 

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