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Title: SCB (Southern Country Boys)

Date: 11-17-17

Stage of Development: Fry stage of the cycle, still have the yolk sac.

The Brooke trout pictured is still in the eyed stage. The trout still have the yolk sack in week two and are fairly dark. This is the sac fry stage. The trout in this stage have a tendency to hide in the rocks.

Summary:    The temperature of the water in the tank was 51.6 degrees Fahrenheit. The total number of fish alive is 194, and they all are in the fry stage of the cycle. All necessary elements of the tank were plugged in and functioning properly, and the tank was clean. The pH level was a 7.2, right around where we need it. Our Ammonia level was .75 ppm with nitrates. We had a 0 ppm nitrite level, along with a 0 ppm level of Nitrates.

Title: type in name of management group

Date: date of measurements

Stage of Development: Fry-(1-2 in) fingerling (3-4in)

Insert image and short description{ type text here} 

Summary:    Construct a summary of conditions of the tank and development here

Title: type in name of management group

Date: date of measurements

Stage of Development: Fry-(1-2 in) fingerling (3-4in)

Insert image and short description{ type text here} 

Summary:    Construct a summary of conditions of the tank and development here

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