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The trout at week 13 are in their fingerling stage.

Summary:  Temp: 51, not in the range. 

pH Level: 6.0

Ammonia Level: .50 ppm

Nitrites: 0 ppm

Nitrates: 0 ppm

Sides of tank: Starting to become dirty

Water: Starting to get cloudy.

Everything is plugged in. 

Water was not at correct level. Good current and bubbles. Water needed clean. 

Title: Pan!c at the Fish Tank

Date: 2/14/18

Stage of Development: Fry-(1-2 in) fingerling (3-4in)

Title: The Fishies

Date: February 15, 2018

Stage of Development: Fry-(1-2 in) fingerling (3-4in)

The larger fish are mostly at the top left of the tank.


The temperature was 52.3 degrees F. The pH level was 6.4. Ammonia level was 0.50 ppm. Nitrites were 0 ppm. Nitrates were 10 ppm. The tank needed cleaned, but it wasn't too cloudy in there. Our Bio Tech noticed that there needed to be more water in the tank. Everything looked good to him. Our Biologist noticed that they wait at the top of the tank to be fed. The smallest fish look to be staying towards the bottom. Medium fish are very spread out. The larger fish seem to be at the top left of the tank. The bigger fish eat as much as they want, then the little fish get what is left over. There are around 85 fish in our tank. all of their fins are intact and there is red coloration around their gills.

Name of management group


Stage of Development: 


    Construct a summary of conditions of the tank and trout development here

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