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Name of management group-  Sprucies

Date: 1/3/18

Stage of Development: Fry

Fish are 2-3 inches and are ending their stages as a fry.

Summary:    The tank this week lost a total of 8 fish. Temperature was 50 degree Fahrenheit. Ammonia was 2.0 ppm. Nitrites were 5.0 ppm. Nitrates were 40 ppm. Also the fish are swimming well all throughout of the tank.  

Title: type in name of management group

Date: date of measurements

Stage of Development: Fry-(1-2 in) fingerling (3-4in)

Insert image and short description{ type text here} 

Summary:    Construct a summary of conditions of the tank and trout development here

Name of management group


Stage of Development: 


    Construct a summary of conditions of the tank and trout development here

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