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The fish are floating down the current of water flow, then continuing to swim towards it.

Summary: The temperature is a little low, same with the water. Everything else with the tank seems in good condition. The trout seem to be healthy and are eating normally. As they are growing their colors are changing, as if they are preparing for the creek. 

Title: Fish 2.0

Date: 3/28/18

Stage of Development: Fry-(1-2 in) fingerling (3-4in)

Title: Echo Co.

Date: 4-9-18

Stage of Development: fingerling (3-4in)


  All equipment working, water is clean & water levels were low but water was added (about a gallon). No mortalities. Fish swim towards left side of tank. Triangle shaped fins, light brown in color. becoming larger

Temperature: 51 F

Mortalities: Zero

pH Level: 6.6 (adjusting well)

Nitrates: 40 ppm

Nitrites: 0 ppm 

Ammonia Level: 2 ppm 

Our fish after food has been given

Name of management group


Stage of Development: 


    Construct a summary of conditions of the tank and trout development here

Insert image and short description{ type text here} 

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