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Title: SCB (Southern Country Boys)

Date: 12-20-17

Stage of Development: Late Fry stage or early Fingerling stage (2-3 inches)

This is a picture of what most of the fish look like in the tank, they are really starting to develop.

Summary:  The trout are starting to develop their outer shade of camouflage. The trout are swimming toward the left side of the tank. When they eat, most of them compete to get to the food first and for how much they each get. No injuries were observed to the living fish, but there were 2 dead fish that were found. Some of the bigger fish tend to keep towards the bottom. The temp of the water was 50 degrees Fahrenheit, with a pH level of 7.4. Ammonia level was a 2 with nitrates. The nitrite level was .25 with no nitrates. There were 0 ppm nitrates.  

Title: type in name of management group

Date: date of measurements

Stage of Development: Fry-(1-2 in) fingerling (3-4in)

Insert image and short description{ type text here} 

Summary:    Construct a summary of conditions of the tank and development here

Title: type in name of management group

Date: date of measurements

Stage of Development: Fry-(1-2 in) fingerling (3-4in)

Insert image and short description{ type text here} 

Summary:    Construct a summary of conditions of the tank and development here

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